Educational environment

Private kindergarten schools UNES


A. Language Environment

Multicultural and multilingual scope of this program is implemented in accordance with specific approach from the perspective of learning languages. Language is a gateway to diverse cultures, it is an expression of given culture, and it is a mean of cultural openness. Program allows children to access other languages and thus, other cultures.  

The program makes children access two languages on a daily basis – English and Spanish. Through activities, they might occasionally come across even to other languages. These activities can be defined as gradually planned collaborations between the outside environment and the kindergarten (occasional guests and discussion with them).

Children daily communicate in English and Spanish and through these languages the aspects of cultural reality of these linguistic environments are mediated.

In order to provide cultural and propaeudical mission of foreign languages, a relevant personal background is ensured. Communication in foreign languages is encouraged by the staff of native speakers together with qualified pre-school Slovak-speaking teachers.

The program can be characterized as a permanent combination of the Slovak teachers and the teachers -native speakers involved in the daily education of children. In terms of „open school“, it is desirable to make all the teachers implement educational activities with all the children of the kindergarten beyond the „borders“ of stable classrooms and groups inside of them.  

B. Material Environment

The objectives of the program can be naturally translated into material assurance, space equipment as well as organization of school space and time.

School from its own initiative creates material environment that reflects multicultural character of the program. Diverse cultural artefacts, art and other products representing different cultures of the world are can be found in the kindergarten. 

The key purpose is the interaction, and thus to make children notice these artefacts, manipulate with them, make them a part of mutual interactions, use them when learning, etc.

An important aspect of openness is the ability and readiness of the school environment to accept and effectively integrate materials brought by children, parents and guests into the educational process.

In terms of space and time organization of educational process, the openness is applied in various forms.

School does not create any space or time barriers that would somehow limit participation of parents or other guests in the school process. This way, mutual trust and understanding is developed as well as openness of school environment towards the outside world.

The school also attempts to create open spaces and classrooms for kids based on educational process. This enables to overcome language and cultural barriers as well as generation gaps what in turn contributes to cultural openness and understanding. 


C. Educational Environment

Teachers are considered to be the key factor of this environment. However, all the employees and the outside environment (such as parents engaged in the kindergartenʼs activities or guests that enrich social life in the kindergarten, partners and guest lecturers that represent diverse cultures, languages or social life and this way stimulate the children) are involved in the overall fulfilment of the objectives.

Again, teachers are the key players of this program and they are selected according to special requirements. Team of our teachers consists of qualified Slovak teachers of pre-school education and teachers of pre-school education coming from different language environments. Thus, diverse languages and cultures penetrate the program (from English and Spanish-speaking countries). This part of team consists of native speakers.

People from the outside (such as occasional guest lecturers, debaters and stimulators of the intercultural environment of the kindergarten) are intensely involved in the educational objectives of this program. Lecturers and guests are invited occasionally, depending on planned activities as well as events and stimuli of everyday life.

A constant stimulation focused on continuous education of all the employees is an extremely important factor from the perspective of the programʼs educational environment. Besides standard continuous education, the program stimulates teachersʼ education inside the kindergarten.

The idea of personnel policy of this program is to make the kindergarten implementing the program a centre of continuous education of pre-school teachers from the perspective of fields that are crucial for the program objectives.


Javorová 644/12,
949 01 Nitra

Opening hours

6:30AM – 5:00PM




+421 917 622 622

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Private kindergarten and primary schools UNES


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